Everyone should bring a wrapped, unmarked gift of similar value
and place it in a designated area at your holiday event

  • ROUND 1

    Determine which player will start the game (oldest, youngest, etc.)
    Each player takes a turn rolling the dice and passing in a clockwise direction. If the present is rolled, the player chooses a gift from the pile. If any other side is rolled, the player's turn is over and the dice is passed to their left. The round continues until each player has rolled the present and everyone has chosen a gift.
  • ROUND 2

    The starting player rolls the dice, and the side shown indicates what happens next:
    SANTA'S RIGHT SIDE swap presents with the player on your RIGHT
    SANTA'S LEFT SIDE swap presents with the player on your LEFT
    PRESENT SIDE choose to hold, or swap presents with any player
    you choose. Continue clockwise until every player has had a turn
  • ROUND 3

    The starting player rolls first. If the dice lands on the present the
    player can choose to hold or swap their opened present with any player they choose. If any other side is rolled, the dice is passed to the player on their left. Continue clockwise until the final player rolls. Once the final player
    completes their turn, the present each player is holding is the gift they
    take home!


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